A couple of weeks ago I broke my shopping diet and went shopping with a friend. Given that I hadn’t shopped for a while and that the last time I was at Zara, I wanted to buy almost everything, I came home with very few stuff, and I paid a small amount of money for the number of garments I bought. I mostly shopped from Zara and H&M, with a small stop to Hondos Center. In total, I bought: 2 pairs of jeans (khaki and blue ones), one pair of shorts, one shirt/blouse, a pair of sunglasses, and 2 hair conditioners for red hair. As you can see, I ended up with many khaki items, because I couldn’t decide among them, and because they were quite inexpensive I decided to buy all 3. As for the sunglasses, I wanted another pair, and even though, I’ve never shopped sunglasses from high street stores, these ones looked good on me. So they came home with me as well. You’ve already seen me wearing them in my previous outfit post. What do you think?
Πριν καμιά δυο εβδομάδες, έσπασα τη δίαιτα μου και πήγα για shopping με μια φίλη. Δεδομένου ότι δεν είχα ψωνίσει τίποτα εδώ και πολύ καιρό, και ότι την τελευταία φορά που ήμουν στα Zara ήθελα να αγοράσω σχεδόν τα πάντα, γύρισα σπίτι με πολύ λίγα πράγματα, και πλήρωσα ένα μικρό ποσό σε σχέση με τον αριθμό των ρούχων που αγόρασα. Ψώνισα κυρίως από τα Zara και τα H&M, με μια μικρή στάση στα Hondos Center. Συνολικά αγόρασα: 2 ζευγάρια τζιν παντελόνια (χακί και μπλε), ένα σορτσάκι, μια πουκαμίσα, 1 ζευγάρι γυαλιά ηλίου και 2 κρέμες μαλλιών για κοκκινομάλλες. Όπως βλέπετε κατέληξα να αγοράσω αρκετά χακί κομμάτια, γιατί δεν μπορούσα να αποφασίσω ανάμεσά τους και επειδή ήταν αρκετά φθηνά τα πήρα και τα 3. Όσο για τα γυαλιά, ήθελα ένα ακόμα ζευγάρι και παρόλο που δεν έχω αγοράσει ποτέ γυαλιά από παρόμοιο μαγαζί, αυτά μου πήγαν πολύ. Οπότε ήρθαν σπίτι μαζί μου. Με έχετε ήδη δει να τα φοράω στο τελευταίο μου outfit post. Πώς σας φαίνονται;
Tony & Guy Red Brunette Conditioner and my border manicure
P.S. Greek Orthodox Easter is this Sunday, so I want to wish my fellow Greeks and everyone else who celebrates it to have a Happy Easter. I’ll be back on Monday with a new outfit post (and to continue showing you my last shoe saves).
Υ.Γ. Θέλω να ευχηθώ σε όλους του Έλληνες αναγνώστες μου Καλό Πάσχα! Ελπίσω να περάσετε υπέροχα όπου και να είστε! Θα επιστρέψω τη Δευτέρα με καινούργιο outfit post (όπου θα συνεχίσω να σας δείχνω και τα τελευταία shoe saves που έκανα).
Μια χαρά σε βρίσκω!!!
Φιλάκια πολλά-πολλά!!!
Καλό Πάσχα & Καλή Ανάσταση!!!
Να περάσεις υπέροχα!!!
syros2js recently posted..Ο ΜΑΪΟΣ ΜΑΣ ΕΦΤΑΣΕ…
Kalo Pasxa kai Kali Anastasi!
Kai eseis to idio! 🙂
Filakia polla!
Με γεια σουυυ!!! Και εγώ θα την σπάσω την δική μου “δίαιτα” και θα ψωνίσω κάτι μικρό αυτές τις μέρες..
Καλό Πάσχα αγαπημένη μου.. Καλά να περάσεις αυτές τις μέρες!!
P.s: Τα νύχια σου είναι λαχταριστά!!
Kleoniki recently posted..Περνώντας ένα απόγευμα με την Yves Rocher
S’euxaristw poli Kleoniki! Kala tha kaneis…einai i epoxi twra tetoia…hehe Egw idi ta euxaristiemai….
Kalo Pasxa kai Kali Anastasi…Kala na peraseis tis diakopes…
Ax ta nixakia kleisan panw apo mia evdomada…thelw na ta allaxw pali. hehe kati pio pasxalino twra…
HnM we love you!
This post is so cute and lovely:)
My last passion is to recreate Disney looks.Would you like to check out my blog?
I will be glad if you enjoy it and decide to follow each other:)Just let me know:)
I wish you everything well!
xoxo Veselina from Bulgaria 🙂
I love the pieces you picked up
Melissa recently posted..Blogger Love – Ria Michelle
Great buys!
Akaleistar recently posted..Night Moves
cute mani! looks like something i might be able to do 🙂 when i shop, i tend to come home with many things of the same color. must be the phases that i go thru where everything in that particular color is appealing to me!
oomph. recently posted..a hangout and a [sephora] haul.
Thank you! It’s really easy, and I did myself, so I’m sue you could do it as well. It was really nice.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this. hehe
Don’t know what happened, took the notebook to the shop again and now it seems I need a new one – I’m saying this because I tried to access your blog yesterday and it kept on saying “not possible” 🙁 Got upset, because I knew there would be a post 🙂 And now I see! Perfect mani as usual, I saw that this week, but I wanted to point it out again! Loved it! And how amazing the things are! I loved the embellished shirt!!!!! Looooved! Well, you always have so good taste! Ah… I thought I had found the perfect present for you… I was going to write that… John Frieda red hair shampoo – and now I saw you got Toni & Guy, they must be the same! Need to find something different now 🙂 Makia!
Bee-zee recently posted..Master or Disaster
Aww why is that? Did you have any other problems with your laptop apart from not being able to access my blog? Well, the problem was ours. We had a problem with the server yesterday. It was down for a few minutes. Maye you tried to access it that exact time. So don’t worry about it. Happy to see you now.
Is this John Frieda a hair depositing shampoo? Because this conditioner isn’t. I tried to find something that also deposits color to use between dyes, but I couldn’t. It’s a good conditioner though. But does nothing to help my color, except maybe for not allowing it to fade that quickly. But you don’t have to buy me a present. You’ve already sent me way too much last month.
I hope you’re having a nice weekend. Makia!
Me geia sou! 8elw na ta dw ola se post sou pws 8a ta syndyaseis!
Elsa recently posted..Dungaree Doll Paint Your Initials On My Jeans
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