This has been a very busy week for me, and I didn’t have the time to post as much as I usually do. I celebrated my birthday on Monday by going for dinner with some friends, and my nameday on Saturday, by cooking and having family friends at my house. As it was my nameday, it was also a good opportunity to cut my birthday cake.
I thought it would be nice to show you some of my gifts, and some of the food we ate those days. Starting with the flowers I got, both on Monday and on Saturday.
Beautiful bouquets of pink, lilac and white roses. I really liked the wrapping of the lilac ones. It was so unique!
As I already told you, on Monday night we went at TGI Friday’s, our usual spot, to celebrate by eating and drinking. At the end of the night they surprised me with an ice-cream dessert, as a birthday cake.
From top to bottom, we had the “Three-for-all” dish, with sesame strips instead of Buffalo wings. That blue drink on the left corner, is my “Cabo Rita shaker” Margarita. Delicious! Then, the “Strawberry Fields” salad, which has become one of my favourites, with its candied walnuts, the fresh strawberries, and the balsamic vinaigrette. Yummy! Finally, the dessert, an “Ice cream Sundae” with whipped cream on top!
We ordered more dishes but I was too busy eating, after two weeks of a more healthy diet, to photograph them.
On Monday I prepared some canapés, and other delicacies to accompany our wine. I can say that they were successful, as there was nothing left in the end.
Clockwise: baked crepes with cheese and ham, some tenderloin, small bites of chicken schnitzel with home-made honey mustard sauce, cucumber sticks, canapés with cucumber and salmon, canapés with shrimps in cocktail sauce, and finally, tortilla wraps, filled with cheese, turkey and some lettuce, with mayonnaise on the side.
Not pictured, some spring rolls, accompanied with sweet, sour & spicy sauce. Double yummy!
After the food part, I have to show you my birthday gifts. Not so many guests, but they all brought me gifts.
Two pairs of earrings, both silver with red details. Loved them! One black t-shirt with a cat on it, a pair of flat sandals from my brother’s wife, embellished with Swarovski crystals, and beauty products from my aunt, all from Amway. An eye pencil in electric-blue with its sharpener, Hi Gloss Serum for my hair, hydrating-eye-cream, make-up remover towelettes, Nourishing Shampoo and an Intensive Repair Mask for my hair! I’m lucky that she brought me those products, she always knows exactly what I need and brings them to me!
Finally, it’s time to show you my cake. But before doing so, I have to warn you. We bought two cakes, because we wanted to surprise my brother for his birthday on the 22nd, and as it was the night before, I had the idea of buying two cakes to celebrate our birthday together, as we did when we were little kids. I told my mum and my brother’s wife about it and they decided to surprise us both by buying cakes in the shapes of animals, as in kids’ birthdays. And now, I present you our cakes.
Mine was a ladybug, filled with chocolate and strawberries, and my brother’s was a hedgehog filled with chocolate and caramel. They were both delicious and we ate them all! We had an amazing time, and those cakes reminded me of my childhood birthdays. Ahhh 25! How quickly years go by!
Everything fantastic, as usual! I loved the presents! I must confess, all the beauty products of course sensational, but I simply looooooved the cat-earrings! (I’m registered as pitcat, you know? On my blog! This speaks for itself!) But dogs are also so sweet!
The food at the restaurant was really nice, I guess; I’m eager to go there (and have the same drink!) What you cooked looked amazing and I am sure it was! And now… the cakes! What for a beautiful idea! So sweet, so creative! I’m glad you enjoyed and I’m sure it was a fantastic Saturday! And, ah, on my blog I wrote once – such a coincidence the flowers you got: they are my favorite ones!
So, enjoy your week, tell me when you wore the earrings, so so beautiful!
Filakia polla! Eisai polli wraia! (Kardia, episis! Polli glykia!)
Thank you Denise!!!
I loved the cat earrings too (and I love cats too, I have a siamese one). I wore them on Saturday night, but I didn’t post pictures because I wore almost the same outfit as on Monday night, but with different accessories and shoes! I’ve noticed your pitcat name on your blog! 

There are many TGIF’s all over the world so you can try it almost everywhere. I love margaritas cocktails, and sweet cocktails in general.
I was afraid that my borther wouldn’t like the idea of the cakes, but it seems that he did, so I was happy! He’s usually not so expressive about his feelings, but I think he had a great time too. I didn’t know about your favourite flowers. I love flowers in general, but roses are one of my favourites.
Have a nice week too, and thank you again for your nice comment! Filakia polla! hehe
YUMM!! How cute are the cake!!
Love it!
ps: wish you a happy birthday
Thank you Melina! They were delicious! No wonder we ate it all!
Happy Birthday! The flowers and cake looks absolutely amazing! I hope you had a great day:) Love your blog and now following! Maybe you’ll have time to visit my blog:)
Thank you Annabelle! Yes, I had a great day! Thank you for following my blog!
Sure, I’ll pay a visit to your blog…
Amazing pics!
Thank you!
WOW,beautiful post!!!
Thank you Federica!
diplo xronia polla koritsara mou! poluxronh kai panta eutixismenh!!!!!

TGIF ta exw xtisei!!! kai th salata me tis fraoules thn ftiaxnw k spiti!
tziba kai th sudagh apo ena arxaio post!! xixix
telia ta dwrakia kai oi tourtes!!!
kai tou xronou!
Euxaristw poli Veronica m, na’sai kala!

Ase kai egw oli mera ekei eimai, mas exoune mathei oloi! S’auta sto cosmos mono, oxi sto kentrou vevaia…
S’euxaristw poli gia ti sintagi, twra pou to les thimamai oti tin eixa diavasei sto blog sou pio palia…tin exeis parallaxei vevaia ligo…k exw ena thema me ti roka, den tin mporw me tpt, xixi…alla tha ti dokimasw xwris autin kapoia stigmi! Eixa vrei k tin authentiki sintagi sto internet…poli eukoli..apo tote pou tin dokimasa exw kollisei! Kai simera pali ekei imouna k pali autin pira…
Euxaristw poli gia ta kala sou logia! Kai esi oti epithimeis na exeis!