Vienna moments Part 1

15 July, 2011

Starting with a warning, this post is huge, so bear with me.

On 2/7 I went on vacation to Vienna with my boyfriend, after planning it for about a month.  One of my best friends was there for Erasmus, for the last 6 months, so it was the perfect chance to visit the city, and see her too. I wanted to make this post sooner, but I had to organize my photos and furthermore, I had other obligations too.

We stayed there for 5 full days, and I think we saw as much as we could.

On Day 1 we went from the airport to our rented apartment, which was perfect and quite close to the city center, and then went out for lunch to taste the famous Wiener schnitzel. Our friend took us to one of the most famous restaurants (Figlmuller), to try the huge schnitzel, and my appetite was quite satisfied! 🙂 We also tried the potato salad, which was perfect and the spritzer, which I didn’t like because I don’t like club soda at all.

After lunch we went to see some shops at the city center, and then went for some coffee at Demel café.

The weather was seriously cold at that time, really windy and the temperature was dropping significantly. The only thing we managed to do was to eat some pizza for dinner before we headed back “home” to relax and sleep, as we were with only 2 hours sleep from last night.

On Day 2, we started quite early to visit the Belvedere, which was really close to our apartment, but before we even get in, it started raining cats and dogs, and the wind was blowing away our umbrellas. We weren’t prepared for this weather at all, as the temperature had fallen below 15 degrees and the wind and rain didn’t help the situation, but we got in the Lower Belvedere to see the paintings and hoped that it will stop at some point.

Taking pictures inside the museum was forbidden, but it had mostly Makart paintings. I’m not a big art fan, but my friend S. who studies architecture was, so we stayed there for a while. Unfortunately, the rain didn’t stop and we had to go to the Upper Belvedere soon, but it was impossible to take pictures of the beautiful gardens (like my visit to Versailles all over again).

The best thing I could do was this:

Luckily, a friend of ours who lives in Vienna, “saved our day”, and brought us some jackets and raincoats just in time. Wish I could show you the photos we took with my bf’s Blackberry, on our way to Upper Belvedere (Borrowed raincoats, and umbrellas turning inside out). Yes, I admit it, my nickname for the day was Kenny (from South Park) my face was completely covered by the raincoat’s hood. See??

Don’t let the happy face fool you, this picture was taken way after the rain and after our little “adventure” was over, and my belly was filled with delicious food. And furthermore, since the rain had stopped I’m not wearing my hood closed to the point where I couldn’t even see where I was going. 😛

Continuing with our adventure, we finally managed to go to the Upper Belvedere, which was a huge building, really beautiful inside, and outside, but yet again no pictures were allowed. But no one stopped us from taking pictures from the wet-from-the-rain windows of the beautiful gardens of the Belvedere, which we couldn’t visit in that weather.

Beautiful, aren’t they?

Later on, we went for lunch at the nearest restaurant of the Belvedere, completely cold and hungry. But you can see that from our order.

Potato salad again (Erdäpfelsalat) – not as good as the other day’s though

Spaetzle – it was too dry for what I was expecting.

Soup no. 1 was a cream of garlic with bacon croutons. I liked it but it had bit heavy taste. However, it was perfect to give me back my much needed warmth.

Soup no. 2 was a Bohemian brown beer one, topped with cheese. Really nice too, but it was ordered by my friend so I just took a spoonful of it.

Lastly, the Spare Ribs, with 3 types of sauce and fried potatoes. Really nice, but not much of my taste.

For this reason, me and my friend ordered another dish, (because yes, we weren’t full yet), a Turkey Cordon Bleu, which was delicious, but huge and it also came with a potato salad, which of course we couldn’t eat. But I don’t have a picture of that to show you. You can find the whole menu of the restaurant, here.

On the way back home, we even bought some delicious ice cream, and I couldn’t help but return home with a piece of NY cheesecake and a yummy cupcake from Starbucks.

But enough with this post! I got so carried away with the food and my memories, that I made it huge. Hope I didn’t tire you. I have more photos and experiences to share with you in my next posts, but I’ll try to make them shorter. I didn’t have much of fashion related things to show you, due to the weather that ruined my plans for dressing nice on my vacation, but I’ll give you a small taste in my next posts.

How did you like this post? Have you even been to Vienna? Waiting for your comments!

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42 comments on “Vienna moments Part 1

  1. I didn’t find your post that long! It was perfect! And it led me to my memories of Vienna, which is a beautiful city! I have some friends there too, and I simply loved the city and its architecture – and answering your question, yes, I have been to Vienna some times and every time is a real pleasure, it’s a nice city, as you also found out! I must say that… I am a vegetarian, so food in any part of the globe is something that gets difficult to me, and in Vienna it wasn’t different – you saw what it is about, meat, and meat, in every way – bacon, spare ribs, schnitzel… even when I ordered potato salad, that I like so much, it came with bacon. Soup? Bacon. Well, as I said, I am a fussy eater, but I always find something when it’s about chocolate, so I ate many sweets there…
    I am so glad you had a nice time and I loved the pictures! I am glad you enjoyed the food and a bit sad that the weather was not that good… once I went to Edinburgh and it was exactly the same weather, but somehow when remembering that, I find it funny… I am sure you will have the same idea in some weeks…!!!! It’s different, holidaying with rain, but you have unique moments now! Filakia! (I’m so glad to read your post, eager to read others soon!)

    • Thank you Denise! I imagine how difficult it must be for you as a vegetarian, to eat in some restaurants. I’m sure that in most countries there are many restaurants for vegetarians, or at least dishes in the menu. I think that it’s even more difficult, here in Greece, cause we’re used to eat a lot of meat.
      I had a great time, regardless of the weather. I have many more things to share with you, in my next posts about Vienna, and luckily the weather wasn’t bad at all the rest of the days. So, I had lots of fun. I know what you mean though, cause the same thing happened to me with my trip to Paris, a few years ago. When I was there, I was so frustrated with everything, and I said that I wouldn’t go there again, but later, when I came back, I changed my mind. And I remember that trip and smile.
      You always make me so happy with your comments! 🙂 Filakia!

  2. s’euxaristw polu kalh m!me sugkinhses pl m tis euxes s k genika, katalavaineis.para pl omorfo t post.poso tyxerh p phges ekei!super polh k oi photos uperoxes!s euxomai polla tetoia omorfa taksidia!

  3. OMG you are an expert sweety! HAHA, you are right ;))
    Love your whole post so much and it was really interesting to read.
    But it´s such a pitty that the weather was so bad, this makes me really sad 🙁
    I still hope you have some good memories and will come back once 😉
    Have a great day 🙂

    ps: Thank you sooooooooo much for your sweet words, it means a lot to me :*

    • Haha thank you Melina! I’m not an expert, but I just loved this alley….And its name was one more reason to remember it..hahaha…I love seeing places I know in other bloggers’ photos!
      There’s gonna be a Part 2 & 3, cause the posts are already too big. And I wanted to share my experience with all of you.
      Of course, I have great memories, and I’m sure I’ll come back one day. And this time I won’t have to walk so much, so I’ll enjoy the city more. 🙂
      Have a great day too! 🙂

  4. I have been to Vienna 8 years ago and it was early October so the gardens at Belvedere weren’t planted like in your photos!It’s so nice to see how they look like during the summer (even if it’s raining)! I’m waiting to see the other parts as well! Vienna is a really nice city and the food is great!!! I love Schnitzel!! 😛

    • I was hoping to see them more closely, but I wasn’t so lucky! But I got to see the Schonbrunn’s gardens which were way more beautiful in my opinion.
      It is a great city, I agree, and I love schnitzel too, especially that one. hehe
      Thank you so much for your comment Anna! 🙂

    • Thank you London! I loved them too! I wish I could too! If you loved those you should see the ones from the palace I’ll post on Part 3 of my trip posts in a few days.

  5. Oh my goodness, the pictures are breathtaking. I love them all. Now Vienna is one of my must-go places. Oh the food, they make mu hungry. xx

  6. Pingback: Vienna moments Part 2 | Do You Speak Gossip?

  7. ΤΕΛΕΙΕΣ!!!!!
    το μονο που δεν μου αρεσε οταν ειχα παει ηταν το φαγητο ημασταν με σχολικο γκρουπ κ μας ειχαν λιγο σε χαλια επιλογες αλλα απο οτι βλεπω εχει πολυ καλα πιατα!
    ευκαιρια να ξαναπαω χιχιχι


    • S’euxaristw poli kai pali! Emeis fagame para poli kala, den mporw na pw…ola itane poli nostima! Isws epeidi eixate paei me to sxoleio, na psaxnane pio fthines liseis….Na xanapas sigoura! Kai egw tha to ithela!

  8. Pingback: Summer Sunsets | Outfit post | Do You Speak Gossip?

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