April seems to have passed so quickly…I can’t believe it will be May already from tomorrow. Thankfully, the weather is finally warm, and the rains have stopped (at least for now!). April was the month of Easter, which means a lot of food, and a couple extra kilos which I’m trying to lose again. But let’s start from the pretty part of this month. The outfits!
This month I managed to post 6 of my outfits, and I was really excited about all of them. It started with tights, and finished with bare legs, and beautiful pastel colors.
From left to right: All-black outfit, Classic with a twist, On Stripe, A pop of sherbet, Hello Kitten and my favorite, Pastels with a hint of neon.
You can click on the links to visit the original posts to see more outfit details, and maybe leave me a comment on them.
April also had some of my favorite manicures for a long time. Some of which, you could see in my outfit posts, and some only on my Facebook page. I gathered them all together, for all of you to see.
From left and clockwise: Snakeskin manicure, Pastel colored manicure, newspaper print manicure, and midnight blue matte manicure.
I decided not to photograph all the Easter food, ‘cause it would be boring to see food again. Plus I hadn’t my camera with me on Easter…But, I have some Easter decorations of my house to show you.
Easter eggs hanging on a “tree”, Easter eggs/candles, red Easter eggs (red per tradition), and a cute sheep decorative.
A few days after Easter Sunday, we celebrated my grandma’s birthday!
She’s officially 92 years old, and we are so proud of her, that she managed to make a full recovery from her surgery, in such a short period. She’s been walking and doing almost everything by herself for a long time now.
We bought her a beautiful bouquet for her birthday with my cousin.
We also made a bouquet from all the beautiful flowers in our garden which are in full bloom. I love spring, so much!
You can see our bouquet as I posted on my Facebook page. Lilacs, and snowball flowers.
Last but not least, I’m so happy that I was the winner of a very nice giveaway, and I won a fantastic bracelet, made by the very talented Ramona from the blog Strike a pose.
All photos of this post were shot by me
I chose this bracelet with the gun, but it was a difficult choice because she has many more beautiful designs. I really loved the clasp which is shaped as a heart. You’re definitely gonna see me wearing it really soon.
This is what happened in my life during April. I may or may have not ordered another pair of shoes (which should be here by the end of the day), but you’ll have to wait to see. *whistling innocently*
Stay tuned for May’s wishlist, and follow me on Facebook or Twitter to learn everything first.
Nice posts

your black leather leopar bag is so nice
Το μπλε μανικιούρ ειναι απλά φανταστικο!!!
Ασε τα outfits..δεν μπορω να σου πω ποιο ειναι το αγαπημένο μου..νομιζω οτι τα λατρεύω όλα!!
Kerasia recently posted..Haul: Sephora, Too Faced, Opi, China Glaze & Nubar με 30 ευρώ!!
S’euxaristw para poli Kerasia!
Me kolakeveis! xixi :$
Geia sou kali mou!!!! FRom the looks, the ones I Loved the most are the ones with the STRIPES!!!! (xereis oti latrevo oti exei riges!).Nice photos of your house, I can see it is VERY nice!!!! Kisses & filakia!:)
vanda recently posted..Boyfriend loves Pink!!
S’euxaristw poli Vanda! To patriko mou einai…den menw moni mou akoma!
So many lovely outfits.. I love the last one!
– Victoria
Victoria recently posted..Flowerish
Pwpw! Wraios minas, oson afora toulaxiston ta outfits mias kai oloi exoume liga kilakia parapanw meta to fagopoti tou Pasxa! Xaxa! Nomizw apo ta pio agapimena mou einai ta 2 teleytaia (twra pou mpike i Anoiksi gia ta kala ti kalytero apo ta xrwmata kai eidika an einai toso wraia syndyasmena)! Ta manicures fovera opws episis kai to spiti sou! To exete diakosmisei me poly gousto!
Filakia polla polla koukla
Elsa recently posted..Minty Fresh
S’euxaristw para poli Elsa mou!
Xairomai pou sou aresan…Kai mena ta dio teleutaia einai sigoura ta agapimena mou (eidika auto me ta pastel pou perimena pws kai pws na ftiaxei o kairos gia na to foresw), giati mou ftiaxnoun to kefi…

Oso gia to spiti, kai tis diakosmiseis, i mama einai ipeuthini fetos!
Filakia pollaaa!
these are all so cute! and so appropriate for april!
<3 zoe
zoe recently posted..あおで待ってる
Από τα σύνολα του Απριλίου φαίνεται και η απότομη αλλαγή καιρού! Τα πρώτα 3 είναι black και τα 3 κάτω μυρίζουν άνοιξη! όλα υπέροχα, αλλά φυσικά ξεχωρίζω το τελευταίο που έκανες mix neon+pastels! Πραγματικά με εντυπωσίασε
Kisses xx
Kate V recently posted..New in: Guess what?!
hahaha exeis apolito dikio! Allaxe poli apotoma o kairos, kai to idio kai ta rouxa pou forame…Simera foresa kai episimws amaniko xwris na kriwsw…
Elpizw na s’aresoun otan ta postarw!
S’euxaristw para poli! Tha deis poli sintoma kai alla outfits me pastels…exw idi vgalei fwto…apla panta sto telos kai stin arxi tou mina kanw to “month in pics” kai to “wishlist” kai pane ligo ola pisw, alla den peirazei!
I love this recap post! So much goodness.. I hadn’t seen your pastel outfit OR nails and I love both of them.

Joanne Faith recently posted..What I Wore: Sheer
Thank you Joanne! I started doing recaps of my outfits, last month, so you can see them all together, if you had missed anything. I’m so glad you like them!
Such wonderful pictures love! April was really your month. You looked amazing the whole time! Wonderful blog love. Truly inspiring.
I would really be so incredible, if you could check out my latest post!
Kalhmera kai kalo mhna M. mou!!!! Polla polla filakia xxx
themodisher.gr recently posted..May 1st
Kalispera, kai kalo mina kai se sena! Elpizw na peraseis katapliktika simera, oti kai an kaneis!
Filia polla!
loving the blue shoes
kirsty recently posted..New In
I’m finally back!!!! I missed you very much, and your posts! I just saw them now, first by clicking on your page and second, now through your Month in Pictures! The outfits, I mean!

Well, you know why I “disappeared”. The chaotic London trips. I am soooo tired, you can’t imagine how. Even a friend told me that yesterday, so imagine how tired I must be, for someone to notice/tell me that.
Anyway, congratulations to your grandma! Wow, 92, it’s amazing!
Last night I dreamed of Greece! That I should go there, haha! For sure, I am sure I’ll go back one day!
Now, your outfits! I can’t decide which is my favorite! I love all of them! Maybe the black dress/boots… I love it! But the one with the pinted blouse, I also love! In fact, all of them could be an editorial, for the pages of any top fashion magazine in the world! So elegant and stylish!
Can’t wait to see your May’s wishlist! I’m so “quiet” at the moment… I guess my wishlist just involves having a bit of space and peace… where I like to stay. I have it where I don’t like to stay… why can’t we have it all?
Filakia polla, glad I could comment on your post again!
Welcome back Denise! I’m so glad to have you back again! I’ve missed you too, very much! You’ve been gone for about a week. I’m sorry to hear that you’re so tired. I’m tired too, today, I did a few things at home, with my shoes, cause I want to take part to Shoeper Shoe challenge as well, but I’m sure I’m not nearly as tired as you! I’m just not used to doing so many stuff, or carrying so much weight around.
I’m glad you had the chance to see my outfits, cause I really liked most of these from April. My favorite is definitely the last one with the pastel colors. Thank you so much for your sweet words, and for your wishes about my grandma! I really hope you can visit Greece again sometime in the “near” future, so I can be your guide, and get to know you in person.
May’s wishlist is coming up tomorrow..Although I have to admit, that I haven’t written the “article” yet, but I will really soon! hehe…I also have a few more outfit posts in the line to be posted soon, so I might have to post more frequently than usual. We’ll see….
I know it’s so difficult, when you don’t have your own space, and your peace and quiet at the same time…I wish we could have it all!
Filakia polla! I’ll come by your blog as soon as possible. I just have to do so many things today! I was checking it everyday to see if you were back, but I didn’t see that you had posted today…So see you really soon!…Glad to have you back!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. You left such a sweet comment. Hope you will return soon?
The Leather Skirt recently posted..Polka Dots & Pink…
i like the all cream outfit
lexi recently posted..The Olympics! + Me Trying to Eat Words
san to teleio pastel outfit dn exei!eidika twra pou eida merika apo ta kommatia apo konta <3 perimenw na dw ta nea papoutsia!!!
marissa recently posted..May Day
hehe nai exw pathei psixwsi me ta pastel teleutaiws! Tha ta deis poli sintoma, alla exoune “proteraiotita” kapoia alla post…aurio i nea wishlist kai isws paraskevi ena outfit post….tha deis kai auto pou forousa xthes kapoia stigmi, sintoma!
Filia polla!
chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!

Michelle Ho recently posted..AIN’T POP BUT FLOP.
The outfit with the yellow pants is my favorite. Fun!
this month flew by, but I’m glad it’s over! I’m ready to start anew! I’ve been meaning to try that newsprint nail. Looks pretty!
Thank you! I really enjoyed the newspaper print manicure! At first I didn’t succeed and I was gonna give up, but then I decided to try again. And it was really easy! Just use a new newspaper so that the ink is not so dry.
Can I please ask you a small “favor”? Can you put your blog’s link on the “website” box instead of the comment text? My spam filter marks most comments with links as spam, and it’s my blog’s policy not to allow links on the comment text (as stated on the box above the comment form), because many people just come to leave 3-4 of their links and go. I’m sorry that I have to ask you this. Hope it doesn’t seem mean! I really enjoy reading your comments and I really appreciate your coming here. Thank you so much for everything.
se eyxaristw poly gia to comment kai to support! einai eytyxia ne moy leei mia stylish kopela oti parakoloythei to bog moy taktika! be in touch!
rena recently posted..happy may!
Egw s’euxaristw gia ta kala sou logia…me kaneis kai kokkinizw :$ xixi
Se “parakolouthousa” apo tin proigoumeni fora pou eixes afisei comment sto blog mou kai pragmatika thewrw oti exeis poli wraio kai idiaitero stil!
Kai egw tha xarw poli na se ksanadw!
Καλό μήνα βρε κορίτσι!! Πώς πέρασες την πρωτομαγιά σου; Πολύ ωραίος δείχνει ο μήνας σου, γεμάτος! Μου άρεσαν πάρα πολύ τα νύχια σου και τα outfits σου! Χρώματα ανοιξιάτικα και δροσερά! Φιλάκια!
christina/fashionable.gr recently posted..Κοσμήματα “Anna Maria Lambert” Με Άρωμα Από Αρχαίους Πολιτισμούς
Kalo mina Christina! S’euxaristw poli! Itan arketa gematos giati irthane kai filoi logw Pasxa stin poli kai eixame kai arketes exodous…Den exw parapono. xixi
I prwtomagia mou itane poli isixi…apofasisa na tin perasw spiti me tous dikous mou, kai na simmazepsw ligaki to xaos twn papoutsiwn mou! haha
Filakia polla!
beautiful idea and lovely outfits!
What a fantastically fashionable month for you!!! Really lovely outfits and the nail art is such an inspiration… Beautiful photos.
Sada recently posted..Roses are Scarlet. Cherry. Crimson. Tomato…
Thank you so much Sada!
Really glad you liked them.
Looks like you had a brilliant month! Love all the outfits lined up like that, really shows off your style!
Steph recently posted..Friday Five: Beach bound
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