As many of you know, my 1st cousin’s wedding is in about a month. I already bought a dress for the wedding, and I’m currently looking for the right accessories to go with it. But before I do that, there’s something really important I need to buy first. The bride’s present! It’s custom in my country, for the relatives of the bride to buy her a good and usually expensive jewel as a gift for her wedding. So I’ve been looking around for the perfect gift, and I stumbled upon a pair of beautiful Diamond Studs. Stud earrings are such a classic piece, and can be worn for the rest of your life. So it’s a perfect gift for my cousin’s classical style.
While browsing through the rest of the site, I found out that, has a great selection of one of a kind jewelry, such as gorgeous bridal sets rings, and diamond anniversary band rings. But a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’m going to let the pictures do most of the talking. I gathered some of my favorite pieces to show you!
Source of pics used in this post.
Starting with my favorite stud earrings… The first is a pair of Classic four Prong Diamond Studs, with a starting price of $241.71, which is a great gift for such occasions. But if you want something less expensive, but equally gorgeous you can go for the classic four prong round gemstone stud earrings. What I loved about them is the cobalt blue color, one of my favorites, and with a great starting price, at $40.50.
If you’re looking for Bridal Set rings, Anjolee Jewelry has also a great selection for you. My favorites are the Baguette Bridal Set ring, and the Channel Belt Bridal set ring.
The most amazing thing about Anjolee Jewelry is the fact that you can customize any jewelry design according to taste and budget!
And since I talked to you about Diamond Anniversary band rings before, I should show you my 2 favorites as well.
Both exquisite pieces, one more classic, and one more modern, with a bit of color…..Perfect for all ages, and totally customizable according to taste and budget as well.
So, what do you think? Take a look at, and tell me which is your favorite piece.
This is a sponsored post, written by me and all opinions are my own.
P.S. Today it’s my birthday, and I’m sooo happy (but at the same time sad that I’m growing up)….I’m hoping to have a fantastic day with the bf who’s coming to town to celebrate with me (how sweet!)…And even if I don’t, I’m sure my party on Saturday is going to keep me happy. I just love parties, and party planning. I live for these kinds of things! See you next time my sweeties!
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend!!!!!!!!! Happy happy happy happy bday sweetheart! recently posted..My shirt, my man
Yes they areee!!! :)))) Thank you thank you thank youuuuuu!!!!!!
Ooh who wouldn’t love a pair of those gorgeous stud earrings!? What an amazing cousin you are!
sorelle in style recently posted..rocking out
Oh thank you so much!
My mom will also pay for the present…It’s a bit pricey for just me. hehe
Εξαιρετικές προτάσεις! Το τσέκαρα και τα κοσμήματα είναι απίστευτα! Εξαιρετικό το γούστο τους. Χρόνια πολλά κιόλας κουκλίτσα! Ό,τι επιθυμεις να αποκτήσεις και να είσαι πάντα τόσο stylish και ευτυχισμένη! Φιλάκια!
christina/ recently posted..Το Τεύχος Ιουνίου Της Vogue Αφιερωμένο Στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες
S’euxaristw poli gia tis euxes Christinaki! Kai esi oti epithimeis! Na’sai panta kala, geri kai eutixismeni!
Filakia polla!
love this stuff
wow the rings are fantastic!!! the chanel belt b s is my fav!!! amazing..
and dear…..have a sweet and rock birthday!!! life is always a big goal at every age… <3
asipoffashionbaby recently posted..Mix and match:Tiziano Ferro!
Yes, the channel belt ring is a classic piece!!! suitable for every age I think.
Thank you so much for your wishes!
ooo la la… treasure
Gabrielle recently posted..TUESDAY WITH GANGSTA MIAU
This jewelery is so precious!
Check my new post
Aga’s suitcase recently posted..My new-in bag from OASAP!
Thank you so much Aga!
I’m a bit busy lately but I’ll come by your blog as soon as possible.
I love the eternity princess band but I can’t afford it just yet! Happy birthday!!!! ;)))
Steph recently posted..Sweater stalking
Thank you!!!
Yes it’s a classic but pricey!
Happy Birthday M.!!!!
Σου εύχομαι ό,τι καλύτερο γλυκιά μου!!! Να περάσεις υπέροχα με το φίλο σου και φυσικά περιμένουμε να δουμε το birthday outfit από το πάρτυ σου! Εύχομαι να καλυτερεύσει ο καιρός μέχρι το Σάββατο και να μη σου χαλάσει τα σχέδια γενεθλίων!
Όσο για τα κοσμήματα που παρουσίασες λατρεύω το δαχτυλίδι από Chanel και τα μπλε σκουλαρίκια! Υπέροχα πραγματικά!
Kisses xx
Kate V recently posted..What’s in the Asos Box?
S’euxaristw poli Kate! Kai esi oti epithimeis! Vgikame xthes me ton filo mou, pou eixa ta genethlia mou…Irthe apo to strato gia na ta giortasoume mazi, alla simera prepei na ksanagirisei sto stratopedo…:) Kai egw elpizw na kalitereusei o kairos, alla akoma na min to kanei, tha to stisw mesa to party..eimai sigouri oti tha nai ola teleia…apla exw poli mageirema! hehe Prepei na ksekinisw apo simera me kapoia pragmata….
Ta kosmimata einai ola apo to Apla einai channel sets…xairomai pou sou aresan!
Filakia polla!
Hey M!! I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now but this is the first time I’ve commented. I love having a read of what you’ve been doing/wearing/buying/eating while I should be working!
Hope you had a very happy birthday and enjoy your party, can’t wait to see your birthday outfits, I’m sure they will be stunning! xx
Awww that’s one of the sweetest comments I’ve ever received! Thank you so much! I’m really glad you decided to comment on my post, because it’s always nice to know your readers…I’m so happy that you enjoy reading my blog…And please don’t be shy, you can leave your comments whenever you like! You are always welcome here, and your comments are very much appreciated.
Thank you so much! :)))
Amazing Post!!!
Pipa recently posted..O prazer de ter estilo com…..H&M Fall/Winter
XRONIA POLLA KAI KALA! Eyxomai na exeis panta o,ti agapas kai na agapas ayto pou exeis! Giati ti na ta kaneis ta diamantia an den exeis mazi sou tous filous sou? Btw fovera kommatia epelekses!
Filakia polla polla <3
Elsa recently posted..Mood Board – 20120517
Exeis apolitiko dikio! Kai se euxaristw paaara poli gia tis iperoxes euxes sou! Na’sai panta kala kai eutixismeni kai esi, kai na exeis oti epithimeis!
Filakia pollaaaaaa!!!!
I’m sure she will love the diamond earrings!
Joanne Faith recently posted..Shoe Storage
These are beautiful classic pieces which will never date. Happy Belated Birthday!
chocolatecookiesandcandies recently posted..English Countryside: Hursley & Farley Mount
I totally agree! Thank you so much!