I don’t know about you, but even though I put my summer clothes in my closet a few weeks ago, I’m still wearing my spring ones. We had some really warm summer days, I’m not complaining, but for most of it June has been grey and rainy so far. That day, it was sunny and warm, but windy as well, so I wore some transitioning pieces along with my green platform sandals, which I couldn’t wait to wear again. Most comfortable shoes ever! The girls and I attended a fashion show of the Pansik scuola di moda here in Thessaloniki, while enjoying some drinks.
Δεν ξέρω για εσάς, αλλά εγώ παρόλο που έχω ήδη κατεβάσει τα καλοκαιρινά μου εξακολουθώ να φοράω κυρίως τα ανοιξιάτικα. Ο καιρός ενώ τη μια στιγμή είναι ζεστός και ηλιόλουστος την άλλη είναι γκρίζος και βροχερός, οπότε είναι δύσκολο να αποχωριστείς τα ενδιάμεσα ρούχα. Εκείνη η ημέρα ήταν αρκετά ζεστή και ηλιόλουστη αλλά παράλληλα είχε και πολύ αέρα, οπότε φόρεσα πιο σκούρα χρώματα και πήρα μαζί μου και το jacket μου για παν ενδεχόμενο. Τα συνδύασα με τα αγαπημένα μου πράσινα καλοκαιρινά πέδιλα που ανυπομονούσα να βάλω. Τα πιο άνετα παπούτσια μου, με διαφορά! Τα κορίτσια κι εγώ παρευρεθήκαμε στο fashion show, της Pansik scuola di moda εδώ στη Θεσσαλονίκη ενώ παράλληλα απολαύσαμε τα ποτάκια μας.
Photos by Kleoniki of Notebook of Claire
LOOK OF THE DAY: Shirt: Lussile Jacket: Joy Clutch: D&G by Dolce & Gabbana Sandals: Buffalo c/o e-shop spartoo.gr Sunglasses: Ray Ban Necklace: H&M Rings: Vintage
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Wow, it must have been an amazing event and you look gorgeous – I mean that! I love these shoes and if you say they are even comfortable, it’s a bonus! I also loved the top – I love that kind of sleeves! And the color! I think you look exquisite and I need to lose some weight (a lot, actually!) to be able to wear the sleeves I love – those ones of your top are only for model figures like you have! But maybe one day I can again
hehe, we never know… ice creams are so delicious now
Denise recently posted..Dún Laoghaire – sun, sea, fun!
It was the day I posted the picture with the sunset on Facebook.
They’re definitely comfortable. I stayed hours in them, and they didn’t hurt my feet. It’s actually a short-sleeved shirt, with buttons and all, but I don’t know if it’s visible enough in the photos. Thank you so much for your compliments, but I don’t have a model figure (far from it) and they’re simple short sleeves. Everyone can wear them, they’re flattering. I used to wear the same shirt, even last year that I had a few more kilos on. You don’t have to be afraid to wear this style. I’m sure you can wear them, even now.
I know…I’ve been eating far too many ice-creams lately. hehe Makia!
Weather have been in Ireland pretty much the same. It doesn’t feel much like summer yet, but I hope by end June or beginning July it will be here with fabulous summer weather. This deep forest green color is gorgeous, brings out your beautiful hair color.
xoxo Ra
Ramona recently posted..Simplicity
It’s the same here in Greece. Some days it’s sunny and warm, and other ones it’s gray and rainy. Let’s hope it will get better by July.
Thank you very much!
How pretty your are, with your exotic red hair and dark eyes. Love the way you’ve pulled together all the shades of green. And those shoes…omg!
haha thank you about the compliment. I’d never consider them exotic. They’re copper red, and they’re not even natural. hehe But thank you! I’m glad that you liked my look.
Love all the green. It’s one of my favorite colors
Mine too!
Thank you very much! 
Hi M.
So adorable look
Love your sandals
Margaret Dallospedale recently posted..A Blazer and a Long dress (fashion outfit #31)
Thank you Margaret!
i love this Color
green suits you perfectly!
amazing and most of all i love your heels!
so pretty <3
I adore your blog, keep on doing this wonderful thing you do here.
I had to follow you, you have a new fan now <3
Hope you may visit my blog,too
Your Amely Rose
Thank you Amely Rose!
I will, really soon! Keep in touch!
Δεν ξερω τι κολλημα εχω και ενω γραφεις και στα ελληνικα διαβαζω παντα τα αγγλικα!
Να φορας πιο συχνα πρασινο παει πολυ με το κοκκινο στα μαλλια σου!
Christy recently posted..7 DAYS
haha Ki egw to pathainw auto! Isws epeidi ta agglika einai i prwti glwssa.
S’euxaristw poli! To prasino einai ap’ta agapimena mou xrwmata. Sigoura tha me deis ki alles fores na to foraw
Beautiful top and jacket!
Akaleistar recently posted..Awesome Things To Do This Summer
Thank you very much!
auta sou ta papoutsia ta latrevw markella <3 <3 einai h chic enallaktikh ths espantrigias!!
marissa recently posted..B&W Bee
naiii! xixi Ki egw to idio! Poli agapimeno zeugari, kai toso ma toso aneto! <3
I love this laid back style on you! You know that =)
*I have that necklace too!
barefoot duchess recently posted..Wedding Inspo // Water-colored Gown
Do you? It’s really nice and I’ve worn it hundreds of times. I even have it in gold. I bought them on sale for 3euros each.
Thank you very much!
Μαρκέλλα μου πολύ όμορφο ντύσιμο!!! Μου αρέσει που επέλεξες αυτό το χρώμα καθώς ο καιρός, ειδικά σε εσάς στη Θεσσαλονίκη, αλλάζει συνεχώς οπότε πέτυχες να είσαι μέσα στα πλαίσια του καιρού!! Μου αρέσει πολύ αυτό το πουκάμισο και είναι ακριβώς σετάκι με την τσάντα!! Τυχαίο!!?? Δε νομίζω!
Τα πέδιλα έχουν φοβερό χρώμα και επάξια σου αρέσουν πολύ!!! Όλο το outfit που αρέσει πολύ!!!
S’euxaristw poli Elena mou! Fisouse poli ekeini ti mera opote to jacket itan aparaitito! O kairos kanei polla kolpakia teleutaia.
xixi Palia eixa perasei mia megali trela me to petrol opote exw polla rouxa kai aksesouar s’autin akrivws tin apoxrwsi!
Na’sai kala! Filakia polla! <3
Χαίρομαι για άλλη μια φορά που βγήκαν τόσο όμορφες οι φωτογραφίες.. βέβαια το μοντέλο έκανε όλη την δουλεια χιχιχ

Kleoniki recently posted..Women’s swimwear trends | Summer 2014
Aww xixi kokkinizw! S’euxaristw poli Kleoniki mou! Alla itan nomizw oli i sinergasia pou efere auto to wraio apotelesma! Poli mou aresan oi fwtografies!
Και εδώ είχαμε κάποιες μέρες που ο καιρός ήταν έτσι αλλά τώρα έχει αλλάξει για τα καλά!! Πόσο σου πάει αυτό το χρώμα που έχει το πουκάμισό σου!!Απλά φανταστικό!!

George A. recently posted..Bad Boys Don’t Cry
Nai ki edw to idio, alla opws fainetai pame pali gia vroxes distixws. Ki egw akoma den exw prolavei na kanw mpanaki sti thalassa.
S’euxaristw poli GIwrgo mou! xairomai pou sou arese!
u look lovely