Peach gray | Outfits

Ελληνίδα Youtuber

These photos are from last month…more specifically, they were taken, mid-April, when the weather was extremely hot for spring. But since then it has taken a turn for the worse and it seems like we’re almost back to winter. I remember this day fondly, because I stayed at my bf’s place and we went for a coffee next to the sea late in the morning, to enjoy the sunny day. That was until we were leaving this place (where these photos were taken) and one of my heels got stuck between the wood parts of a bridge, ruining the faux-suede fabric of one of my favorite pairs of shoes. I’m still not over it, but I’ll try to fix it any way I can. Other than that, my morning was perfect as you can tell by the smile on my face. I felt like I was on an island. Love all the white & blue in these photos! What do you think?

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Casual shopping day | Outfits

Casual shopping day 5- outfit -

This is a super quick post to show you my casual outfit of the day, when I went to shop for some things I needed. And it’s a quick one because we didn’t have time to take more photos, so it’s super short. My pink heels left the shelves for a little while to go out with me. I paired them with my pink bag, but left the rest of the outfit in blue hues. It was quite hot even for the light shirt I was wearing, but after we went through a mini heatwave, we’re back to spring temperatures. Greek Orthodox Easter is approaching (we celebrate it on May 1st this year), so I’m going to take some days off this week. But stay tuned for another post (and a video) this Wednesday!

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Hair history & haircare routine | Video

Hair history & haircare routine 800px

Hello my lovely readers. Today I’m posting a new video, where I’m talking about my hair history & haircare routine. If you want to see almost-embarrassing teenage photos of me, feel free to watch it, but unfortunately it’s in Greek, and it’s too big for me to try and translate it for you. But I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding my hair. I’m basically talking about how I went from my blonde highlights to copper red hair, how easy the transition was, what brand I use to dye my hair, why I prefer brushing my hair in the shower, and why I always prefer blow-drying my hair. Feel free to ask me anything you’d like to know about my hair by leaving a comment below.

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