My interview to Greek Beauty Bloggers

A few weeks ago, the Greek Beauty Bloggers’ team posted the interview I gave them some months ago. When someone new joins the community, he is asked if they want to give an interview for their readers, in order to get to know them better. I gave mine around January, but I guess due to the fact that they have many members, and therefore interviews, it got posted at the start of this month…My Greek readers may have already read it (if not, click here to read it in Greek), but I wanted to translate it in order to show it here on the blog as well. Some things have changed since then, but it was my first interview ever, so I want to thank the Greek Beauty Bloggers’ team for giving me the chance to be part of their community. This is gonna be a long post, so I ask you in advance to forgive me for that! 🙂 Hope you like it!

Photo taken from the blog’s header

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Garnier BB Creams Giveaway Winners

Now that my 2nd giveaway has come to an end, I have to thank everyone who participated in it. Never, in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that so many people would take part in my giveaway. The number of participants surprised me and I must say that I wasn’t at all prepared for it. It is a really difficult process, you can’t even imagine how much, if you haven’t done it, the old-fashioned manual way. Lesson learned, next time, I’ll use a giveaway plug-in.

I said it again and again on Facebook and Twitter, but very few “listened”, that a comment with your info was needed for your entry to the giveaway to be valid. Those of you who did, won from 1 to 8 entries to the giveaway, and I’m really happy for you. As for the other ones, their entries were invalid, because I didn’t have the info needed. Some tried to leave fake comments to gain extra entries, and failed, and some others tried to take part more than 1 time (failed as well).

So without further ado, here are the 5 lucky winners of the BB Creams by Garnier.

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Do You Speak Gossip on IFB’s Links à la Mode

Call me M: I’m really excited to be included in this week’s Links à la Mode of Independent Fashion Bloggers. It’s only the 2nd time, that I’ve taken part, and I couldn’t be happier that my post got picked. 🙂

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Garnier BB Cream Giveaway


Many thanks to all of you who participated!

It’s been exactly one month since my blog’s first giveaway, so I decided it’s finally the time for another one. The gifts from the last giveaway have already been received by the lucky winners, and the BB Creams that were sent to me have been waiting for their turn on the spotlight, for many weeks. Today it’s finally the day they will shine.

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First blog anniversary + first giveaway


Many thanks to all of you who participated!

Hello my lovely readers. Today is a really special day for me as my little blog turns 1 year old. It’s been a great year, which started with small posts about shoes and favorite TV Series and evolved into more fashion related posts and glimpses of my everyday life, through my outfits and my “month in pics” column.

This year wouldn’t have been as fun without YOU that made my everyday life more special by reading my posts and leaving your lovely comments on them. When I started this blog I never thought that so many people would be interested in what I have to say and show. During this year, I not only gained more readers than I could think of, but I also gained a few friends. I don’t have to say who you are, I’m sure you know it by now that I consider you my friends, even though I haven’t met anyone of you in person. I hope that during the next blogging year, I will finally meet some of you.

Happy 1st birthday – on my nails Chanel 505 Particuliére

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