Last night, I was doing a manicure I had in mind for days, and I took some pictures of the process. It’s not something special but I liked the result, so totally out of the blue, I decided to make a post about it. Most pics were taken with my small camera, indoors, at night, so the resolution isn’t perfect. But I hope you like it anyway!
Tag Archives: manicure
Birthday party details
I wasn’t going to do this post today, but I got many requests, so by popular demand, I present you the post with the details about my birthday party including: concept and food buffet… Unfortunately I can’t post many of the party photos, because I want to protect my friends’ privacy, so I have mostly food photos for you today. But let’s start with the whole concept. And I ask you once again, to please bear with me!
I had very few guests at my party, mostly my closest friends. An invitation was sent to 5 ladies, telling them to come to my house on Saturday the 19th at 16.00 o’clock, for a beauté and linner (combination of lunch and dinner) party, bringing only their appetite and good mood… What they didn’t know was that I had a little surprise for them! The beauté part included having their nails pampered by a professional manicurist (the lovely and very talented Elena! – if you live in Thessaloniki, I can give you her number). Elena, spent 8 whole hours at my house, doing manicures and pedicures to me, my mom, and my friends, and that was my gift to my lovely friends. Thank you so much Elena, you were amazing! 🙂
While one of us at a time was having her manicure/pedicure done, the others were having conversations or enjoying the delicious buffet, which consisted mostly of finger food. As I told you, my mom and I were working in the kitchen for 3 whole days, to prepare this buffet, and it was all worth it because my friends had all great things to say about it. And I was really excited that everyone was more than satisfied with my selections, since the menu was created by me. I’ll leave the pics do most of the talking, and I’ll put some details in the captions below each photo.
The whole buffet in the middle of the party
Click on the pics to enlarge
How to: Do a matte manicure with shiny tips
I’ve been seeing some of these manicures on the internet for a long time now, and I’m really impressed with how it looks. Having something like this as an inspiration, I decided to give it a try myself. Of course I’m not a manicurist so there wasn’t much chance that I would make it look, at least, similar to that one, but I kind of liked the result. It was the first time I tried something like this, so you can call this “a how to guide for amateurs like me”.
My month in pics
One more month is coming to an end, and while writing this post, I noticed that there wasn’t something really special about this month, that I haven’t already showed you! You see, January is one of my least favourite months, because of the dark cold nights (and sometimes days!). So not many outfit pics were taken, because I wasn’t in a mood to wear less than 5 pieces of clothing together without freezing to death, and as a result I looked more like a bear than a “fashion blogger”. Most days I avoided getting out of the house if it wasn’t necessary, I hate the cold. Although, I do have two of them to show you during the next month, when the weather was a bit less than terribly cold. For now, here’s a sneak peek, of a one-day trip I had, to Kavala, a city in the northeast of Greece.

Nailquake – crackle nail polish
On my previous post, I showed you the result of nailquake polish, but my pictures weren’t that good, so I made a more detailed post about it.
I bought nailquake back then, among lots of other nail polishes, ‘cause I saw many people use it. I didn’t know we had it here in Greece too, until I saw Veronica wearing it (and with a great success too!). I hadn’t used it till now, and I’m sharing my first experience of it with you.
As I said in my previous post, I opted for a B&W effect, as it was shown in the bottle of it. This is what I used: Seventeen No.103 (white) as a base, Tommy G’s No.2, and of course base coat and top coat, both Artistry’s (by Amway).