On Stripe

Hello everyone! It’s the 2nd day of Easter for us orthodoxes, but I hope my fellow Greeks had a great time on Easter day.

I had a great time last week, I can’t complain, even though the weather wasn’t as good as I hoped for and didn’t allow us to wear all the spring clothes we wanted to wear during the Easter holidays. But I’m sure spring will return really soon, and we’ll have enough time to wear those pastel items we bought.

In the meantime, I combine my spring items with warmer ones, to keep myself warm.

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 A few days ago, when the weather turned chilly, I decided to dig out of my closet a really old jacket, I almost never wore. I had it on my mind for months because of its color, but summer in Greece rarely allows you to wear a jacket, even a thin one. So, I found it in my closet, I liked it, I tried it on, and it fitted me. Couldn’t believe that something that I bought more than 10 years ago still fitted me! So I wore it with pride to a night out with friends.

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FNO Thessaloniki – The outfit

I’ve already showed you the pictures I took during Fashion’s Night Out on September 20th in Thessaloniki, on my last post.  Today I’m going to show you what I was wearing that day.

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A forest full of plane trees…

That’s my idea of paradise! I would love to live next to a forest of plane trees (platanus). Their smell is the best smell in the world, it instantly puts a smile on my face. I’m lucky enough to be living under two of those trees for a few days, since I’m still at my cousin’s house in Chalkidiki. Growing up, I spent most of my summers in this house. So, the smell of plane trees is something that brings me back so many childhood memories. I once begged my mum to plant some of these trees in our garden, but unfortunately I didn’t succeed. Thankfully, there’s a whole forest of those, really close to my house so I can go there and enjoy a walk among them, while taking advantage of their thick shade and smell them as much as I like! 🙂

I went there again a few days ago to take these pictures for my blog, and I promise to go back again really soon. I couldn’t really decide on which ones to include here, so I have to warn you that there’s going to be a picture load on this post.

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