My month in pics

Another month comes to an end, and a new spring month is about to start. Let’s see what happened during that month in my life.

I created my wishlist for March, and fell in love with a pair of shoes.

I had my first spring purchases, which were filled with pastels, and happy spring colors, and at the end of the month, I did some more shopping.

Feel free to Gossip about it:


Last winter outfit

Alternative title: Ombre-tastic! I know that on my previous post, I wrote about the first days of spring, and the first spring outfit, but this is actually what I wore a few days later on a night out. It’s pretty common for spring weather to be quite warm during the day and quite cold after the nightfall. And this particular night was also a bit windy, hence the scarf and the gloves you’ll see.

Feel free to Gossip about it: