Casual in autumn | Outfits

Casual in autumn 8- outfits -

Hello pumpkins! How are you? Are you excited for the weekend? I know I am! This is a look I wore last Saturday to go out with the girls. As you can see, the time for layering is already here, and as much as I hate winter layering, I have no problem with autumn one. Layers help you stay warm or cool, depending on the occasion. For this one, I layered a sleeveless summer tank top, my plaid shirt, and my warmer jacket. And as you can see my winter booties are already out, as much as I wanted them to stay hidden for a little while longer. Thank God for them though, because as soon as we finished with these photos, it started raining cats & dogs, and there’s nothing better than boots to fight the rain. Even if it’s a heeled version of them. What do you think?

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Long sleeveless blazer | Outfits

Long sleeveless blazer 4- outfit -

Last time I wore this long sleeveless blazer, I didn’t give it the attention it needed, so I decided to wear it again in another outfit. I’ve been on the lookout for a piece like this for a long time, and I’m super excited that it’s finally mine. The sleeveless versions of long blazers/vests/trench coats is of the biggest trends of the latest seasons, and as you can see it’s one I’m excited about! I decided to keep this outfit very light, and in the same color palette to make it look more casual. You can wear it from day to night, starting with a pair of flats, and ending with a nice pair of pointy heels. I’m sure that it’s a piece that I’m going to wear a lot. Already searching for a plain black version of it, maybe even a bit longer than this one… What do you think?

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Anchors aweigh | Outfits

Anchors aweigh 7- outfit -

I was eagerly waiting to wear these pants, which were bought a couple of months ago, but the weather was too hot to wear such a tight pair. So I waited and waited, and when the weather was chillier, I brought them out to play. For the first time I really wanted to compare them with this striped top… there’s something about anchors, stripes and red that makes them look so good together. My blue/black pumps also made their first appearance of the season. Worn for coffee and dinner/drinks with friends! My own type of casual attire, that becomes somehow of a fall uniform every year. Hope you like! Love you all! Thank you for reading!

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Black widow | Outfits

Black widow 7- outfit -

Hello my loves! Happy Monday! I’m starting this week with a special outfit post, which coincidentally is the last outfit of the month. I know I haven’t showed you as many outfits as usual this month, but I’ll try to make it up to you the next one. This post was named by T. due to the look of my dress. You see, I initially ordered this dress thinking I could wear it to a wedding I have to attend next month, but it was much darker and had a more “grande” look to it in real life. Not that it’s a bad thing, but T. telling me that I looked like a black widow, definitely put a stop to my thought. To be honest, I loved it, in all its “grand-ness”! It’s really beautiful and has a very good quality for its price. I’ve already thought of the way I’m going to wear it the next time around. This time though, I wore it purely for the photos, because I didn’t have anywhere to go wearing that dress, that day. It’s not for everyday life, but it’s definitely an outstanding piece. I just have to find the right occasion to wear it again! What do you think? Do you like it?

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TGI Fridays Sneak previews

TGIF Sneak previews - menu

On Tuesday, we were invited by TGI Fridays in Thessaloniki to have a sneak preview of their new menu. Basically, we were presented with some new dishes (4 appetizers, 3 main dishes, and 3 milkshakes), which we tried, and afterwards rated according to our taste. I haven’t been invited to anything similar before, and as a huge food lover and a big big fan of TGI Fridays, I was delighted. It was an amazing experience; we tried so many new and different dishes, and we had so much fun! Everything was delicious in its own way. Take a look at the photos below to see what we ate in detail.

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